
The Season of Giving: Staff Appreciation That Doesn’t Break the Bank


Nearly five years after the COVID-19 pandemic, you’ve most likely heard of the Great Resignation, “quiet quitting,” and other buzzwords pointing toward unfulfilled and unmotivated employees. Unfortunately, in many healthcare fields—including eye care—this phenomenon is still all too real.  

What's the cause behind this? A 2023 study of 500 healthcare professionals provided a glimpse into these grim trends: more than 70% of respondents said they felt burned out during the workweek, 55% reported anxiety throughout the week, and 59% felt underappreciated at work.  

When these feelings persist in the workplace, they not only lead to mistakes on the job, but also a revolving door of employees, increased hiring costs, and decreased patient satisfaction—tough consequences for any practice’s bottom line.  

So, what can optometry or eye care professionals do when they’re faced with less-than-satisfied staff? While grand gestures like hiring more people or increasing employee pay certainly has an impact, sometimes the simplest solutions work wonders. That’s why we’ve compiled this list of no-cost or low-cost suggestions to keep spirits high during the busy holiday season and beyond:  

Recognize great work.  

Staff Meeting Shoutouts: Kudos go a long way toward morale, and dedicating time during each meeting helps keep your team committed to the task.  

Praise Wall: Team members can anonymously leave sticky notes in a dedicated space (perhaps the breakroom) showing appreciation for or giving encouragement to their peers. 

Employee of the Month Program: Used by a lot of businesses, this tactic highlights an above-and-beyond performer in a public space (like social media or a framed photo near the front desk) and sometimes provides a small incentive for the selected employee.  

Prioritize well-being.   

Snack Station: Stock the breakroom with healthy snacks and drinks.  

Mental Reset Area: Create space for small, quick diversions in the breakroom. This could look like a jigsaw puzzle or a small game that your team can collaborate on when they pop in to grab a snack or eat their lunch.   

Quiet Room: Dedicate an area of the office for de-stressing and encourage employees to take 10- to 15-minute breaks. Bonus points if you stock it with cushions, houseplants, dim lighting, and other comforting items.  

Bond as a team.  

Social Events: Used by a lot of businesses, these team get-togethers don't have to be frequent to be effective! Although they may incur some costs, things like bowling, mini golf, escape rooms, or team lunches can help create positive memories among your staff, especially if they’re done quarterly or even annually.  

Community Service Day: Looking for another great way to build camaraderie? Close the practice, even for a few hours, and volunteer together in your community. Nothing brings people together like bonding over a feel-good mission that makes a difference.  

Compete for a Cause: Sign up for a volleyball tournament, 5K race, trivia night, or other competitive events that raise funds for charitable organizations in your community.  

Don't overlook the basics!   

Work-life Balance: Stave off burnout by creating an environment where employees feel comfortable taking paid vacations and sick time (and be sure to offer plenty of this to begin with).  

Safe Environment: An office that prioritizes and encourages open, respectful communication is—more often than not—a great place to work.  

Simple Gratitude: Say "thank you" as often as you can. It costs nothing!  

While it can be daunting to establish new traditions and team-building efforts in your practice, it's worth it in the long run. If you simply don't have the time right now—in the thick of the holiday, maxing-out-insurance-benefits season—make a commitment to implement some form of employee appreciation in the new year. Kindness is free, and the impacts of such efforts are worth their weight in gold. 

To help spread the love at your practice, here’s a gift for you: Download our Staff Appreciation Coupons—just print them out, fill in the details, give them to your team, and watch the smiles roll in.

Fill out our form below to download our Staff Appreciation Coupons.